Executable File/Downloadable 64bit
Source Code
#Author : Mazhar Hussain
#National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology
#University of the Punjab, Lahore
#Dated : 19- 11 - 2013
#Game : Pong
import simpleguitk as simplegui
import random
# initialize globals - pos and vel encode vertical info for paddles
WIDTH = 600
HEIGHT = 400
ball_pos = [0 , 0]
ball_vel = [0 , 0]
LEFT = False
RIGHT = True
direction = LEFT
paddle1_vel = 0
paddle2_vel = 0
paddle1_pos = HEIGHT/2
paddle2_pos = HEIGHT/2
left_score = 0
right_score = 0
#various kinds of helper functions are defined below
#paddle1position and paddle2position controls the position of paddles
#present on both sides. These functions not only allows the legitimate motion
#of the paddles but also lock them inside canvas
def paddle1position():
global paddle1_pos
if (paddle1_pos > 0) and (paddle1_pos+PAD_HEIGHT < HEIGHT):
paddle1_pos = (paddle1_pos + paddle1_vel)
return paddle1_pos
elif (paddle1_pos <= 0):
paddle1_pos = paddle1_pos + 3
return paddle1_pos
elif ((paddle1_pos + PAD_HEIGHT) >= HEIGHT):
paddle1_pos = paddle1_pos - 3
return paddle1_pos
def paddle2position():
global paddle2_pos
if (paddle2_pos > 0) and (paddle2_pos+ PAD_HEIGHT < HEIGHT):
paddle2_pos = (paddle2_pos + paddle2_vel)
return paddle2_pos
elif (paddle2_pos <= 0):
paddle2_pos = paddle2_pos + 3
return paddle2_pos
elif ((paddle2_pos + PAD_HEIGHT) >= HEIGHT):
paddle2_pos = paddle2_pos - 3
return paddle2_pos
#ball_direction is the function which controls initial parameters about
#ball position and speed. It also contains functions for scoring after
#every failed attempt to catch ball on paddel. It contains a child function
#spawn_ball which carries the initial parametters for ball direction
#and velocity
def ball_direction():
global direction, left_score, right_score
if (((ball_pos[0]) - BALL_RADIUS)<= 0):
direction = RIGHT
left_score += 1
elif ((ball_pos[0]+BALL_RADIUS) >= WIDTH):
direction = LEFT
right_score += 1
def spawn_ball(direction):
global ball_pos, ball_vel
if (direction == RIGHT):
ball_vel[0] = random.randrange(120 , 240)
ball_vel[1] = random.randrange(60 , 180)
ball_vel = [ball_vel[0] , ball_vel[1]]
ball_pos = [WIDTH/2 , HEIGHT/2]
return ball_pos, ball_vel
elif (direction == LEFT):
ball_vel[0] = random.randrange(-240 , -120)
ball_vel[1] = random.randrange(60 , 180)
ball_vel = [ball_vel[0] , ball_vel[1]]
ball_pos = [WIDTH/2 , HEIGHT/2]
return ball_pos, ball_vel
# paddle1_detector() and paddle2_detector() are collision functions.
# they describes the event when ball touches the paddel. They tell
# how the ball rebounds and at what velocity. Ball increase by 10% speed
# after every stroke by paddel
def paddle1_detector():
global ball_vel, left_score
if ((ball_pos[0] + 30) >= WIDTH) and ((ball_pos[1]) > paddle1_pos) and ((ball_pos[1] < (paddle1_pos + PAD_HEIGHT))):
ball_vel[0] = -((ball_vel[0])*1.1)
ball_vel = [ball_vel[0], ball_vel[1]]
return ball_vel
ball_vel[0] = ball_vel[0]
def paddle2_detector():
global ball_vel, right_score
if ((ball_pos[0] - 30) <= 0) and ((ball_pos[1]) > paddle2_pos) and ((ball_pos[1] < (paddle2_pos + PAD_HEIGHT))):
ball_vel[0] = -((ball_vel[0])*1.1)
ball_vel = [ball_vel[0], ball_vel[1]]
return ball_vel
ball_vel[0] = ball_vel[0]
# new_game() is an event handler which resets the game, once the button is triggered
def new_game():
global paddle1_pos, paddle2_pos, left_score, right_score # these are numbers
global score1, score2 # these are ints
left_score = 0
right_score = 0
paddle1_pos = HEIGHT/2
paddle2_pos = HEIGHT/2
# draw(c) is event handler for drawing function. It is about everything we see on
# screen... it is about printing the ball position... it directly calls
# the paddel detector function
def draw(c):
global score1, score2, paddle1_pos, paddle2_pos, ball_pos, ball_vel
c.draw_line([WIDTH / 2, 0],[WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT], 1, "White")
c.draw_line([PAD_WIDTH, 0],[PAD_WIDTH, HEIGHT], 1, "White")
c.draw_line([WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, 0],[WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, HEIGHT], 1, "White")
c.draw_text(str(right_score), (100, 100), 60, 'Green')
c.draw_text(str(left_score), (450, 100), 60, 'Yellow')
if (((ball_pos[1])-BALL_RADIUS) <= 0):
ball_vel[1] = -(ball_vel[1])
ball_pos[0] += (ball_vel[0])/60
ball_pos[1] += (ball_vel[1])/60
ball_pos = [(ball_pos[0]) , (ball_pos[1])]
c.draw_circle(ball_pos, BALL_RADIUS, 3, 'White', 'White')
elif ((ball_pos[1])+(BALL_RADIUS) >= (HEIGHT)):
ball_vel[1] = -(ball_vel[1])
ball_pos[0] += (ball_vel[0])/60
ball_pos[1] += (ball_vel[1])/60
ball_pos = [(ball_pos[0]) , (ball_pos[1])]
c.draw_circle(ball_pos, BALL_RADIUS, 3, 'White', 'White')
ball_pos[0] += (ball_vel[0])/60
ball_pos[1] += (ball_vel[1])/60
ball_pos = [(ball_pos[0]) , (ball_pos[1])]
c.draw_circle(ball_pos, BALL_RADIUS, 3, 'White', 'White')
c.draw_line([(PAD_WIDTH), (paddle2position())],[PAD_WIDTH, (paddle2position()+PAD_HEIGHT)], 10, "White")
c.draw_line([WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, (paddle1position())],[WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, (paddle1position()+PAD_HEIGHT)], 10, "White")
# keydown and keyup handlers which are triggered once a key is pressed
def keydown(key):
global paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel
if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["down"]:
paddle1_vel= 3
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["up"]:
paddle1_vel = -3
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["s"]:
paddle2_vel = 3
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["w"]:
paddle2_vel = -3
def keyup(key):
global paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel
if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["down"]:
paddle1_vel= 0
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["up"]:
paddle1_vel = 0
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["s"]:
paddle2_vel = 0
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["w"]:
paddle2_vel = 0
frame = simplegui.create_frame("Pong", WIDTH, HEIGHT)
frame.add_button("RESTART GAME", new_game, 120)
def about_me():
top = "************************************************************************"
top1= "--------------------------------ABOUT ME--------------------------------"
x1 = "| This game is developed by me, Mazhar Hussain, on the |"
x2 = "| top of PYTHON. I have completed my MPhil in Molecular |"
x3 = "| Biology from National Centre of Excellence in Molecular |"
x4 = "| Biology. My BS(Hons) is in Microbiology and Molecular |"
x5 = "| Genetics from University of the Punjab, Lahore. This |"
x6 = "| game is 1972 version of PONG, which is infact very |"
x7 = "| famous among teens of developing countries. |"
x8 = "| |"
x9 = "| I have implemented various concepts in its development, |"
x10 = "| which include functions, conditionals, graphic-user-interface |"
x11 = "| and random number generator. This game simply demonstrate |"
x12 = "| the visualization of graphics and control of objects using |"
x13 = "| KEYBOARD. |"
print str(top)+"\n"+str(top1)+"\n"+str(top)+"\n"+str(x1)+"\n"+ str(x2)+"\n"+str(x3)+"\n"+ str(x4)+"\n" +str(x5)+"\n"+ str(x6)+"\n"+str(x7)+"\n"+ str(x8)+"\n"+str(x9)+"\n"+ str(x10)+"\n" +str(x11)+"\n"+ str(x12)+"\n"+ str(x13)
def how_to_play():
top = "************************************************************************"
top1= "----------------------------How To Play---------------------------------"
x1 = "| Rules are pretty simple. Game is controlled by two paddles |"
x2 = "| left and right. Left paddle up and down motion is |"
x3 = "| controlled by 'w' and 's', respectively while the |"
x4 = "| paddle on right is controlled by up and down arrow keys. |"
x5 = "| As long as ball stays on table, it gains speed by 10% increment.|"
x6 = "| When ball misses the paddle and go in gutter, opposite player |"
x7 = "| will gain the points. |"
x8 = "| |"
print str(top)+"\n"+str(top1)+"\n"+str(top)+"\n"+str(x1)+"\n"+ str(x2)+"\n"+str(x3)+"\n"+ str(x4)+"\n" +str(x5)+"\n"+ str(x6)+"\n"+str(x7)+"\n"+ str(x8)+"\n"
frame.add_button("Play Instructions", how_to_play, 120)
frame.add_button("About Me", about_me, 120)
Source Code
#Author : Mazhar Hussain
#National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology
#University of the Punjab, Lahore
#Dated : 19- 11 - 2013
#Game : Pong
import simpleguitk as simplegui
import random
# initialize globals - pos and vel encode vertical info for paddles
WIDTH = 600
HEIGHT = 400
ball_pos = [0 , 0]
ball_vel = [0 , 0]
LEFT = False
RIGHT = True
direction = LEFT
paddle1_vel = 0
paddle2_vel = 0
paddle1_pos = HEIGHT/2
paddle2_pos = HEIGHT/2
left_score = 0
right_score = 0
#various kinds of helper functions are defined below
#paddle1position and paddle2position controls the position of paddles
#present on both sides. These functions not only allows the legitimate motion
#of the paddles but also lock them inside canvas
def paddle1position():
global paddle1_pos
if (paddle1_pos > 0) and (paddle1_pos+PAD_HEIGHT < HEIGHT):
paddle1_pos = (paddle1_pos + paddle1_vel)
return paddle1_pos
elif (paddle1_pos <= 0):
paddle1_pos = paddle1_pos + 3
return paddle1_pos
elif ((paddle1_pos + PAD_HEIGHT) >= HEIGHT):
paddle1_pos = paddle1_pos - 3
return paddle1_pos
def paddle2position():
global paddle2_pos
if (paddle2_pos > 0) and (paddle2_pos+ PAD_HEIGHT < HEIGHT):
paddle2_pos = (paddle2_pos + paddle2_vel)
return paddle2_pos
elif (paddle2_pos <= 0):
paddle2_pos = paddle2_pos + 3
return paddle2_pos
elif ((paddle2_pos + PAD_HEIGHT) >= HEIGHT):
paddle2_pos = paddle2_pos - 3
return paddle2_pos
#ball_direction is the function which controls initial parameters about
#ball position and speed. It also contains functions for scoring after
#every failed attempt to catch ball on paddel. It contains a child function
#spawn_ball which carries the initial parametters for ball direction
#and velocity
def ball_direction():
global direction, left_score, right_score
if (((ball_pos[0]) - BALL_RADIUS)<= 0):
direction = RIGHT
left_score += 1
elif ((ball_pos[0]+BALL_RADIUS) >= WIDTH):
direction = LEFT
right_score += 1
def spawn_ball(direction):
global ball_pos, ball_vel
if (direction == RIGHT):
ball_vel[0] = random.randrange(120 , 240)
ball_vel[1] = random.randrange(60 , 180)
ball_vel = [ball_vel[0] , ball_vel[1]]
ball_pos = [WIDTH/2 , HEIGHT/2]
return ball_pos, ball_vel
elif (direction == LEFT):
ball_vel[0] = random.randrange(-240 , -120)
ball_vel[1] = random.randrange(60 , 180)
ball_vel = [ball_vel[0] , ball_vel[1]]
ball_pos = [WIDTH/2 , HEIGHT/2]
return ball_pos, ball_vel
# paddle1_detector() and paddle2_detector() are collision functions.
# they describes the event when ball touches the paddel. They tell
# how the ball rebounds and at what velocity. Ball increase by 10% speed
# after every stroke by paddel
def paddle1_detector():
global ball_vel, left_score
if ((ball_pos[0] + 30) >= WIDTH) and ((ball_pos[1]) > paddle1_pos) and ((ball_pos[1] < (paddle1_pos + PAD_HEIGHT))):
ball_vel[0] = -((ball_vel[0])*1.1)
ball_vel = [ball_vel[0], ball_vel[1]]
return ball_vel
ball_vel[0] = ball_vel[0]
def paddle2_detector():
global ball_vel, right_score
if ((ball_pos[0] - 30) <= 0) and ((ball_pos[1]) > paddle2_pos) and ((ball_pos[1] < (paddle2_pos + PAD_HEIGHT))):
ball_vel[0] = -((ball_vel[0])*1.1)
ball_vel = [ball_vel[0], ball_vel[1]]
return ball_vel
ball_vel[0] = ball_vel[0]
# new_game() is an event handler which resets the game, once the button is triggered
def new_game():
global paddle1_pos, paddle2_pos, left_score, right_score # these are numbers
global score1, score2 # these are ints
left_score = 0
right_score = 0
paddle1_pos = HEIGHT/2
paddle2_pos = HEIGHT/2
# draw(c) is event handler for drawing function. It is about everything we see on
# screen... it is about printing the ball position... it directly calls
# the paddel detector function
def draw(c):
global score1, score2, paddle1_pos, paddle2_pos, ball_pos, ball_vel
c.draw_line([WIDTH / 2, 0],[WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT], 1, "White")
c.draw_line([PAD_WIDTH, 0],[PAD_WIDTH, HEIGHT], 1, "White")
c.draw_line([WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, 0],[WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, HEIGHT], 1, "White")
c.draw_text(str(right_score), (100, 100), 60, 'Green')
c.draw_text(str(left_score), (450, 100), 60, 'Yellow')
if (((ball_pos[1])-BALL_RADIUS) <= 0):
ball_vel[1] = -(ball_vel[1])
ball_pos[0] += (ball_vel[0])/60
ball_pos[1] += (ball_vel[1])/60
ball_pos = [(ball_pos[0]) , (ball_pos[1])]
c.draw_circle(ball_pos, BALL_RADIUS, 3, 'White', 'White')
elif ((ball_pos[1])+(BALL_RADIUS) >= (HEIGHT)):
ball_vel[1] = -(ball_vel[1])
ball_pos[0] += (ball_vel[0])/60
ball_pos[1] += (ball_vel[1])/60
ball_pos = [(ball_pos[0]) , (ball_pos[1])]
c.draw_circle(ball_pos, BALL_RADIUS, 3, 'White', 'White')
ball_pos[0] += (ball_vel[0])/60
ball_pos[1] += (ball_vel[1])/60
ball_pos = [(ball_pos[0]) , (ball_pos[1])]
c.draw_circle(ball_pos, BALL_RADIUS, 3, 'White', 'White')
c.draw_line([(PAD_WIDTH), (paddle2position())],[PAD_WIDTH, (paddle2position()+PAD_HEIGHT)], 10, "White")
c.draw_line([WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, (paddle1position())],[WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH, (paddle1position()+PAD_HEIGHT)], 10, "White")
# keydown and keyup handlers which are triggered once a key is pressed
def keydown(key):
global paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel
if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["down"]:
paddle1_vel= 3
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["up"]:
paddle1_vel = -3
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["s"]:
paddle2_vel = 3
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["w"]:
paddle2_vel = -3
def keyup(key):
global paddle1_vel, paddle2_vel
if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["down"]:
paddle1_vel= 0
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["up"]:
paddle1_vel = 0
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["s"]:
paddle2_vel = 0
elif key == simplegui.KEY_MAP["w"]:
paddle2_vel = 0
frame = simplegui.create_frame("Pong", WIDTH, HEIGHT)
frame.add_button("RESTART GAME", new_game, 120)
def about_me():
top = "************************************************************************"
top1= "--------------------------------ABOUT ME--------------------------------"
x1 = "| This game is developed by me, Mazhar Hussain, on the |"
x2 = "| top of PYTHON. I have completed my MPhil in Molecular |"
x3 = "| Biology from National Centre of Excellence in Molecular |"
x4 = "| Biology. My BS(Hons) is in Microbiology and Molecular |"
x5 = "| Genetics from University of the Punjab, Lahore. This |"
x6 = "| game is 1972 version of PONG, which is infact very |"
x7 = "| famous among teens of developing countries. |"
x8 = "| |"
x9 = "| I have implemented various concepts in its development, |"
x10 = "| which include functions, conditionals, graphic-user-interface |"
x11 = "| and random number generator. This game simply demonstrate |"
x12 = "| the visualization of graphics and control of objects using |"
x13 = "| KEYBOARD. |"
print str(top)+"\n"+str(top1)+"\n"+str(top)+"\n"+str(x1)+"\n"+ str(x2)+"\n"+str(x3)+"\n"+ str(x4)+"\n" +str(x5)+"\n"+ str(x6)+"\n"+str(x7)+"\n"+ str(x8)+"\n"+str(x9)+"\n"+ str(x10)+"\n" +str(x11)+"\n"+ str(x12)+"\n"+ str(x13)
def how_to_play():
top = "************************************************************************"
top1= "----------------------------How To Play---------------------------------"
x1 = "| Rules are pretty simple. Game is controlled by two paddles |"
x2 = "| left and right. Left paddle up and down motion is |"
x3 = "| controlled by 'w' and 's', respectively while the |"
x4 = "| paddle on right is controlled by up and down arrow keys. |"
x5 = "| As long as ball stays on table, it gains speed by 10% increment.|"
x6 = "| When ball misses the paddle and go in gutter, opposite player |"
x7 = "| will gain the points. |"
x8 = "| |"
print str(top)+"\n"+str(top1)+"\n"+str(top)+"\n"+str(x1)+"\n"+ str(x2)+"\n"+str(x3)+"\n"+ str(x4)+"\n" +str(x5)+"\n"+ str(x6)+"\n"+str(x7)+"\n"+ str(x8)+"\n"
frame.add_button("Play Instructions", how_to_play, 120)
frame.add_button("About Me", about_me, 120)