Nov 14, 2010

Antibody- is naturally a SUPERANTIBODY

Antibodies protect us from cell infections working extracellularly [1], by blocking the viruses and flagging the pathogens which are eaten by special immune cells [3]. This procedure is known as neutralization [2]. It was believed that viruses can take shelter (by entering in the cell) from immune system [2].


A super-antibody was proposed having increased effectiveness against pathogens. So, chemical modifications were suggested which would allow antibodies to enter in cell, tag the pathogen and kill them. This antibody (hypothetical) was given name super-antibody. The parameters which determine the effectiveness of it depends upon the mode of entry to cell, the concentration and stability inside the cell. They were expected to be effective against both viral as well as cancer diseases [5].

In 1946, MRC established a common cold unit in Former Military Hospital at Wiltshire. It continued research for 40 years on common cold by collaboration with volunteers. Next was to perform clinical trials on new treatments of common cold. So, common cold unit re-established in Cardiff University in year 1988 [1].


A research led by Leo James and Coworkers [3], published at November 2, 2010, in journal proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. In this research Adenovirus, the causative agent of upper respiratory tract infections, was grown on Petriplates containing human cells [2]. This fundamental research was to understand the way immune system fight against viral diseases [1].images

It was elucidated that before virus invade into cell, antibodies cling to it. Inside the cell antibodies call another component TRIM-21 (Triple Motif Containing 21) [3], which escort them to “Disposal system” of the cell [1, 2]. This cell recycler is renowned proteosome [3] which is cellular structure (containing proteases). This all, TRIM-21 binding and escorting to destination, happen before virus hijack the cell [1]. Increase in viral destruction observed by increase in concentration of this protein [2]. So, it was practically proved that this protein has some role in viral destruction.

It is believed that this research will help in infections such as common cold, winter vomiting bug and gastroenteritis [1]. Studies say Rotavirus, causative agent of severe Diarrhea, can be killed within 2 hours [4]. Unfortunately, this cannot be applied on broad spectrum of viruses, only non-enveloped viruses are susceptible. It is effective against influenza virus because influenza virus shed the envelop just before entering the cell [2]. This new finding has aroused a hope among researchers that a spray or inhaler can be produced which will enhance the viral destruction [4]. Same MRC group is working on animal system now [2].

It is speculated that enhancement of this process can lead to novel sort of antiviral drug. Dr. Jordon Orange, immunologist at Children hospital says that its interesting, exciting and expanding understanding about way antibody works [2]. But in the nut shell, establishing treatment from in vitro experiments is a distant dream yet [1].


  1.  A cure for the common cold? Excuse me while I sneeze.

  2. Body's hidden defense against colds uncovered

  3. The immunology paper that won't cure the common cold 

  4. Cure for the Common Cold

  5. Could this lead to a cure for the common cold?

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